The following legal notice (from now, the “Legal Notice”) regulates the use of the service of the online (from now, the “Website”) of Juana Urain Larrañaga y otra C.B. address at calle Oria 1, 2 20709 Itsasko (Gipuzkoa) with ID E75192831.


With general character the relations between Juana Urain Larrañaga y otra C.B. with Users of their telematics services, currently on the website, are found subject to the Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.

The parts renounce explicitly to the chárter that can correspond and submit explicitly to the Courts and Tribunals of Zumarraga to resolve any controversy coming from the interpretation or execution of the following contractual terms.

Contents and use

The User remains informed, and agrees, that the Access of the following website doesn’t suppose, in any manner, the start of a commercial relation with Juana Urain Larrañaga y otra C.B.

The owner of the website doesn’t identify with the opinions shared in the website by their collaborators. The Company reserves the right to effect without due warning the modifications that are considered appropriate on their website, being able to change, suppress or add either contents and services that are granted through the website along with the way these appear presented or localized in their servers.

Intellectual and industrial property

The rights of intellectual property of the content of the webpages, their graphic design and codes are ownership of Juana Urain Larrañaga y otra C.B. and, therefore, it remains prohibited their reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity that can be done with contents of the webpages not even quoting sources, unless with express written consent by Juana Urain Larrañaga y otra C.B. All the commercial names, brands or signs distinct of any class of contents in the webpages of the Company are property of their owners and are protected by law.


The presence of links on the webpages of Juana Urain Larrañaga y otra C.B. has a merely informative goal and in no case supposes suggestion, invitation or recommendation for such.

People under legal age

In the case that some of our services go towards specifically to people under legal age, Juana Urain Larrañaga y otra C.B. will request the conformity of their parents or tutors for the gathering of their personal data or, in its case, for the automated treatment of data.