There are 3 products.

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  • 880,00 € In Stock

    Author: JONE URAIN

    880,00 €
    In Stock
  • 360,00 € In Stock

    Author: JONE URAIN 2010 This work belongs to a set of pieces with the name HESIAK; LANGAK eta SASTRAKAK (FENCES, GATES and the FORCE of NATURE), where I want to represent the strength of our roots and how it conditions us when developing.

    360,00 €
    In Stock
  • 150,00 € In Stock

    Autora: JONE URAIN This sculpture is part of a series of pieces with which I wanted to reflect through a metaphor the person, the human being as part of nature, like a tree. I shape my thoughts, ideas, reflections, the "zurrunbiloak" maelstroms that haunt my head.

    150,00 €
    In Stock
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items